向天后献香,向她献酒,如同我们及祖先、君王、王侯,在犹大城和耶路撒冷的街道所做过的一样。那时我们丰衣足食,生活繁荣,没有灾害。但是自从我们停止向天后烧香、献酒,我们就什么都匮乏,而且被刀剑和饥荒所威逼。”妇女们又说:“我们向天后献香、祭酒时,我们的丈夫岂不知道我们做了奉献用的蛋糕,上面装饰着她的神像!” (耶 44:18~19) 今天的考古学和历史学认为,天后是犹太人晚期君主制末期仍然崇拜的女神之一。 k. l. noll在论文canaan and israel in antiquity: a textbook on history and religion就这样说 ln jeremiah 44, a dispute breaks out about why the city of jerusalem had been defeated in battle. one faction declared that yahweh punished the sinners who had worshiped the queen of the sky and other gods; another faction insisted that military defeat occurred because people had stopped worshiping the queen of the sky. 今天的考古学普遍认为,犹太人的一神教信仰产生与巴比伦流放期间,一神教信仰其实是第二圣殿犹太教。 |